As you are aware the draft has come and gone. Leaving the Los Pistolitas to lead "Team 4" next season is our favorite lil' robot Tron, Ghetto-fabulous Ghetto Rose, and the lovely and talented Jessy Jynx.
We'll be missing these cholas (until we meet on the flat track that is) -time to tatty a new tear.
But with the draft we've had the honour of adding two new members to our roster!
Joining us will be the ever so talented, face smashing, anthem singing, Trailer Trish. She's been taking the season to ref and get the Jr. Roller Derby going. Now she's ready to join us on the flat track as we smash some derby butt.
Lucky for us, we've got one hell of a rookie coming on; Carla. In order to get her chola name, Carla will have to pass through a very painful initiation. Any ideas of what we should call our newest lil gangsta?
Since our league has been growing so much over the past year, the team captains got together and created a fourth team of volunteers from the current teams and new draftees. Although it's very exciting and means excellent things for the future is E-Ville, it is also a sad time as it means this is my last blog post as a Los Pistolita. I have been an LP since the beginning and love all of the girls and being a chola, but I also am excited about the idea of starting a new team from scratch and bonding with a new group of girls. This is also an opportunity for the girls left to step up to the leadership role left vacant by me!
Thank you to all of our fans, I hope you will cheer for our new team next season (when you're not cheering for the LP's of course!)